How to Use a Hook Remover - Unhook Fish Easily

The first thing you need to do after catching a fish is to remove the hook. This can be difficult if the hook is stuck deep in the fish's mouth or if it has been swallowed.
There are 3 main types of fishing hook removal tools to remove a hook from a fish. Pliers and T bar style hook removers are great for removing hooks from big fish. While disgorgers are great for removing hooks from smaller fish.
Luckily for you, these tools are available at quite a good price and will make this process easier and faster!
In this article, we're going to teach you how to use a hook remover and why we use it - unhooking fish can't get any easier than with these tips!
Why Do We Need a Fish Hook Removal Tool

We need to use a fish hook removal tool because the hook can be difficult to remove from a fish's mouth.
This is especially true when you are trying to pull it out of a fish that has swallowed the hook deep!
The usual way to attempt this removal would be with your fingers, but sharp hooks on some rigs and crankbaits can easily get caught on fingernails or cut skin and cause more damage, as well as getting bit if the fish you have caught has teeth.
Difficulty removing a hard-to-reach hook causes distress to the fish and yourself.
A better way to remove the hook effortlessly would be with a designed tool for this purpose.
How do hook removers work
All hook removal tools work by releasing the hook from the fish fast and efficiently. Allowing you to return the fish to the water fast without causing distress and harm to the fish or yourself.
Sometimes the fish will swallow far too deep for you to be able to reach the hook with your fingers. In these cases, a hook remover can be used as an alternative method.
There is no single best fishing hook removal tool because there are different types for different kinds of fishing situations.
The type you will need will depend on the type and size of fish you will be catching.
What is the Best Fish Hook Remover
There are many different types of fish hook removers on the market for the different situations you will face.
Several factors come into play when choosing the best hook remover for the job you need.
What factors you need to take into account are:
Type of Hook You Use
This is the first factor to consider when choosing a hook remover. The larger sized hook that you're removing from a fish, the more force will be needed to pull it out of its mouth and remove any additional hook parts.
Larger hooks generally need bigger bulkier fish hook removal tools. However, a good set of fishing pliers and fishhook removal tools will remove any size hooks from the fish a breeze.
Size of the Fish
You also have to take into account the size of the fish. Smaller fish have smaller mouths and will require a smaller fish hook remover.
For large fish is you will want to use a set of pliers or a large hook remover.
For smaller fish, I recommend using a disgorger or a set of small thin fishing pliers. Both will make easy work of removing the hook out of a small fish mouth.
My recommended Fish hook Removal Tools
Using a tool to remove hook from fish makes your life easier and causes less stress for the fish.
These are my favorite hook remover tools that I carry on me with every fishing trip:
Piscifun Fishing Pliers

Piscifun Fishing Pliers are my go-to set of fishing piers with their easy insertion and hook removal motion. Needle nose pliers are great for removing hooks where it's hard to put your fingers if the fish has sharp teeth. They are also especially good for removing treble hooks where there is a chance you could hook yourself.
Needle nose pliers are also able to crimp or cut bait easily while on the boat, which means less hassle.
I wouldn't go fishing without these.
PureZoneA Easy Fish Hook Remover

I always carry a set of these easy fish hook removers on every trip.
If you've ever had to deal with removing a hook from a fish frantically and it's not going well, then surely you will find the solution in the easy release of PureZoneA Easy Fish Hook Remover
Great for removing hooks from fish that have swallowed hooks very deep.
Have a firm grip on either handle and use your thumb to press against the other side to remove the hook.
They save me lots of time and frustration and are a great tool that every serious angler needs.
SAMSFX Fishing Hook Disgorger

I Always have a set of disgorgers on hand to remove hooks for the hard-to-reach hooks from smaller fish.
Smaller fish tend to swallow the hook deep and disgorges are a godsend and the right tool for this job.
These have got me out of a pickle time and time again. Make sure you have a good grip on the fish and keep your line tight. Follow the line with your disgorger and easily dislodge the hook from the fish.
How to Use a Hook Remover Tool
If you have ever caught a fish and then struggled to remove the hook, don't worry - you are not alone.
Hook removers make removing a hook from a fish's mouth easy!
There are several different types of these tools on the market, so it is important to choose wisely.
Here my tips for extracting hooks from fish's mouths:
How to Use a Set of Fishing Pliers (Needle nose pliers)
Using a set of pliers to remove a hook is a skill that every angler needs to know.
- Check where the hook is inside the fish's mouth.
- Hold the fish in one hand, holding it tight, preventing it from moving around too much.
- Take your pliers in your free hand.
- Grab the curve and shaft of the hook with the fishing pliers and grip the hook tightly.
- Pull the hook out in one clean pull. Trying not to cause much damage to the fish.
Sometimes it can be difficult or even dangerous to remove the hook without pliers, and it's not always easy to keep your hand steady while doing so with just one hand.
The pliers make the process much easier because you have both hands free for balance and control, plus they provide more leverage than just using your finger.
Video on how to remove a hook from a bass with pliers:
How to Use an Easy Fish Hook Remover Tool
This type of fish hook remover is great for removing hooks out of larger fish like largemouth bass.
Usually, this T-shaped hook removal tool grips onto the hook with a pull of the puller. You can then pull the gripped hook out with ease.
Here's how to remove your hook using an easy fish hook remover:
- Next, hook your line with the open hook of the tool.
- Follow your line down to the hook.
- Once you have reached the hook and the tool is around it, pull the T puller to grab a tight hold of the hook.
- Pull and Remove the hook out of the fish.
Here's a video demonstration how to use a T-shaped hook remover:
How to Use a Hook Disgorger?
A fishing disgorger is very similar to a hook removal tool, only it's normally made of plastic and is great for removing hooks out of smaller fish.
Disgorgers don't grab the hook like a hook removal tool, the hook slots onto the disgorger. This then allows you to push the hook out of the fish.
Here's how you use a hook disgorger to remove a hook:
- First, insert the slit of the disgorger over the line.
- The line needs to be tight for the disgorger to work.
- Follow the line down to the hook.
- Push the disgorger over the hook. The hook shaft should be sitting inside the disgorger.
- Push against the hook and remove it from the fish.
Here's a video Demonstration on how to remove a fishing hook with a disgorger:
What is the Easiest Way to Unhook a Fish?
The easiest and most ideal situation would be to hook the fish on the lip and remove the hook with your fingers, Fast and easy.
Unfortunately, sometimes this doesn't always happen, so choosing the best fish hook remover is your best option for removing hard-to-reach hooks fast and easy.
What to do if You Can't Get a Hook Out of a Fish
If the fish really swallows the hook bad go ahead and cut that line, release the fish, and don't try to rip it out of its mouth.
Lots of studies have shown trying to take it out can increase bleeding, and the fish's mortality rate a lot of time approach approaches ninety to a hundred percent.
It's a lot better just to cut the line and release the fish with the hook still in.
There are a couple of things you can do to help avoid this situation in the future. hooking a
One of those mechanisms is using circle hooks over J hooks.
Another way to prevent the fish from swallowing the hook too deep is by making sure you're ready to set the hook as soon as the fish takes the bait.
The longer it takes you to set the hook, the more time the fish has to swallow the hook instead of just getting hooked on the side of the mouth.
Another option to make removing the hook easier is to use barbless hooks.
Final Thoughts
Taking a variety of fishing hook removal tools with you in your back pack will help you tremendously in unhooking your catches.
Hook removers will save you time as well as protect you and the fish.
It will ease your frustration and leave you to enjoy the fishing trip as you should be.
Have a great days fishing and unhook those fish safely!